Simplify Caching.Build Fast Web Apps.

BadgerCache is a managed service that sits ontop of your Redis instance and handles the details of keeping the data up to date. Schedule cron jobs, receive and transform webhook payloads, and refresh your cache keys on demand from an easy UI that includes logs and notifications when things go wrong.

Spend more time building what matters

Cache Management as a Service

BadgerCache provides two ways to cache your data, prioritizing performance and preserving full control over your cache DB.

Bring Your Own Redis
Use a connection string to securely connect to your remote Redis instance.
Bring Your Own Webhook
Provide an endpoint that accepts a POST request to cache the data anywhere.

Low-Code/No-Code Caching

An ever expanding list of always free features.

REST and GraphQL Support

Authenticate across multiple data sources using REST or GraphQL.

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Automatic Retry Capabilties

We automatically retry failed jobs 3 times - or you can manually retry any failed job easily from the UI.

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Cron Jobs

Cache your data on a schedule and have complete introspection into success and failure of each attempt.

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Accept webhooks from multiple data sources and use JavaScript to transform the payload.

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Data Transforms

Write a small amount of code to take data from your third party sources and convert it into whatever object you choose.

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Logs and Notifications

Easily keep track of why your jobs fail and get notified to take action.

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No contracts or commitments

Simple, no hassle pricing

BadgerCache pricing is based on usage with a generious monthly free tier to get started and a no surprises flat monthly fee for heavy users. See the Pricing & Billing section for details.

free per month
100 jobs
free per month
1 GB bandwidth
per job over the free tier
$0.025 / job
of bandwidth over the free tier
$1 per GB